How much will my commission miniature painting or sculpting cost me?
This is a question which we get asked a lot and it is very difficult to give an answer which will apply to every commission request. Each job is priced on its own merit taking into account how complex a job it is and how long it will take to complete. For an accurate quote use the contact form.
How will my completed pieces be posted back to me ?
Completed projects will always be mailed signed for both foreign and domestic. Tracking can be added at clients expense. Shadow & Flame can not be held responsible for parcels which go missing in the postal system.
How long will my commission take?
Every job is different and is often impossible to give an accurate timeframe for completion of projects. Often we are able to give a rough idea but please bear in mind that is all it is. We are a solid, reputable company who will do our very best to turn each individual project around as quickly as we can and to the highest spec we can possibly achieve. We do not work to deadlines.
Will there be any extra charges over quoted price?
The price quoted on original contact will not change at all unless you request more work to be done other than work specified in your initial contact when the quote was given. There are no hidden fees.

If I require models for a commisson can Shadow & Flame purchase them and reflect this in the price quoted?
Yes, in some cases if a client is outside of the United Kingdom and the model required is readily available still, it is cheaper for the client to have the models purchased by Shadow & Flame rather than having to purchase and then ship to us from abroad. This can be reflected in your commission quote.
When will more commission slots become available?
Commisson slots with both Shadow & Flame will become available in 2022. Keep an eye on the website for further updates.