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The Hunter Orc models from GW are a fantastic set of models, quite fiddly to put together but very satisfying once all painted up.  There is no right way or wrong way to paint orc skin so the best thing to do is mix up as many weird and wonderful colours as you can and see what happens.  I will attempt to write a quick guide as to how to achieve the colours on the bunch I have recently completed.  There may be some slight variation as I'm doing this from memory.  I hope it helps.

1. Basecoat GW Warlock purple.

2. Ink with undiluted AP Strong tone.

3. Mix a tiny bit of VGC Bonewhite to GW Warlock purple and add a little water to thin the paint.  Use this mix to highlight uppermost areas.  When using watered down paint be sure to knock excess paint off the end of your brush before touching the model to avoid paint running where you don't want it.

1. Basecoat GW Camo Green.

2. Ink with Army Painter Strong tone.

3. Add a little VGC Earth and VGC Khaki to GW Camo and dilute with water to highlight uppermost areas.

4. Heavily diluted AP Strong tone wash to finish.


1. Equal parts mix of VGC Dark Fleshtone & VGC Bonewhite for basecoat.

2. Army Painter strong tone wash.

3. Original basecoat mix with water added to highlight uppermost areas.


1. Bascoat equal parts VGC Leather Brown & VGC Beasty Brown.

2. Ink AP Strong tone

3. Highlight using original basecoat mix with water added and a tiny bit of VGC Khaki.


Paints Required

  • GW Warlock Purple

  • Army Painter Strong tone 

  • Army Painter Dark tone

  • VGC Bonewhite

  • GW Camo Green

  • VGC Desert Yellow

  • VGC Dark Fleshtone

  • VGC Earth

  • VGC Orange Fire 

  • VGC Beasty Brown

  • VGC Sombre Grey

  • VGC Filthy Brown

  • VGC Scarlett Red

  • VMC Flat Red

  • GW Liche Purple

  • GW Ogryn Flesh

  • VGC Dead Flesh

  • VGC Khaki

  • VGC Dwarf Flesh

  • VGC Dead White 

  • VMC Burnt Cad Red

  • VMC US Dark Green

  • VGC Cold Grey

  • GW Asurmen Blue

  • VGC Stonewall Grey

  • VGC Leather Brown

1. Basecoat with VGC Cold Grey.

2. Wash with GW Asurmen Blue. (Thraka Green also usable)

3. Highlight by watering down VGC Cold Grey.

4. Add VGC Stonewall Grey to Step 3 mix for final highlight.

5. Finish with heavily watered down AP Strong tone.


1. Make a mix of equal parts VGC Orange Fire , VGC Earth & VGC Filthy brown for basecoat.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Highlight by adding original basecoat mix with water and more VGC Filthy brown added.

4. Heavily diluted AP Strong tone wash to finish.

1. Basecoat equal parts VMC Flat red & VGC Beasty Brown

2. Ink AP strong tone

3. Add water & VGC Orange fire to original basecoat mix for highlights.


1. Basecoat VGC Scarlett Red.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Add water to equal parts VGC Scarlett Red & VMC Flat Red mix to highlight.

4. Heavily diluted AP Dark tone wash to finish (optional).

1. Basecoat with mix of GW Liche Purple with a tiny bit of VGC Khaki added.

2. Ink AP Strong tone

3. Add water and more VGC Khaki to original basecoat mix for successive highlights.


1. Equal parts VGC Orange Fire, VGC Earth & VGC Filthy Brown.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Add water and a tiny bit of VGC Bonewhite to original basecoat mix for highlight.

4. Glaize areas where skin meets armour/ clothes with heavily watered down GW Ogryn Flesh.

1. Basecoat of VGC Dead Flesh.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Highlight with watered down dead flesh.

4. Make a mix of extremely watered down GW Camo Green and glaize.  Try to keep the paint out of the reccess'.

1.  Equal parts VGC Desert yellow & VGC Earth for basecoat.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Small amount VGC Khaki and water added to basecoat mix for highlights.


1. Basecoat with VGC Dwarf Flesh.

2. Glaize with heavily watered down GW Ogryn Flesh.

3. Ink with AP Strong tone.

4. Add VGC Dead White & Water to VGC Dwarf flesh for highlights.


1. Equal parts VGC Orange Fire, VGC Earth & VGC Filthy Brown basecoat.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Glaize areas where skin meets clothing / armour with heavily watered down GW Ogryn Flesh.

4. Add VGC Dead White to original bascoat mix plus water for highlights.

1. Equal parts VGC Earth & VGC Khaki for basecoat.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Highlight by adding water to original basecoat mix.  More VGC Khaki can be added for successive highlights.


1. Basecoat VGC Desert Yellow.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Add VGC Khaki and water to VGC Desert Yellow for highlights.


1. Add a little VGC Khaki to VMC Burnt Cad Red for bascoat.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Wash with heavily watered down GW Ogryn Flesh.

4. Highlight using original basecoat with water added.


1. Equal parts VMC Burnt Cad Red & VMC Flat Red for basecoat.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Add more VMC Flat Red and water to original basecoat mix for highlights.

4. Finish with heavily diluted AP Dark tone.


1. Basecoat VMC US Dark Green

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Add increasing amounts of GW Camo Green to VMC US Dark Green for successive highlights.


1. Basecoat of Equal parts GW Liche Purple & VGC Bonewhite.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Add GW Tentacle Pink & water to basecoat mix for highlights.


1. Mix a little VGC Desert Yellow with GW Camo Green for basecoat.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Highlight using original basecoat mix with water added.  VGC Bonewhite can also be added to take the highlight even lighter.


1. Bascoat VGC Sombre Grey 

2. Ink with AP Strong tone

3. Mix a tiny amount of VGC Dead White to VGC Sombre Grey and add water to highlight.

4. Heavily diluted AP Dark tone to finish.


1. Equal parts VGC Bonewhite, VGC Dark Fleshtone & VGC Dwarf Flesh for basecoat.

2. Ink with AP Strong tone.

3. Add more VGC Bonewhite and water to basecoat mix for highlight.


1. Equal parts GW Liche Purple, VMC Burnt Cad Red with a small amount of VGC Bonewhite.

2. Ink AP Strong tone.

3. Highlight using original basecoat mix and water.

And there we have it, we've reached the end of the guide.  I hope you can find a use for it.  Comments more than welcome.  Any guides you would like to see in the future?

Copyright Shadow and Flame 2014.  Shadow and Flame are proud Sponsors of the Great British Hobbit League Podcast. 

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