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Azog ft and mtd

Azog ft and mtd

Legolas group

Legolas group

IH Command

IH Command







Gandalf the white & Pippin

Gandalf the white & Pippin

Gildor & Banners 1

Gildor & Banners 1

Gundabad spears

Gundabad spears

Army 1 .jpg

Army 1 .jpg

Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf the Grey

UK Golden Demon Finalist 2013



(2014 UK Golden Demon entry)

Beorn and bear

Beorn and bear

Thrain the broken

Thrain the broken

The Master of Laketown

The Master of Laketown

What we have to offer

  • Commission Miniature Painting will be carried out to the highest standard Shadow can achieve.

  • Paintwork can be tailored to meet individual client specifications

  • Creative / Scenic basing is available on request.  Contact to discuss further.

  • Display plinths are also available for those wishing to have models painted for display purposes only.  Again let us know if this is what you require.

  • No charge for "cleaning and assembly of 28mm models.  Larger models may carry a small charge.

  • Pre painted models will be considered for repaints but clear pictures of them would need to be emailed to us so a decision can be made pending acceptance of the project.  We do not have time to strip models.

  • Payment for painting is accepted by PAYPAL ONLY and is charged upon you receiving satisfactory photographs by email of your completed piece

  • We will ship worldwide.

  • Sculpting & Converting Payments are accepted by PAYPAL ONLY

  • PLEASE NOTE - Payment for conversion work is due upon completion of the project and you are satisfied with the work done.  Pictures of completed work will sent to you by email.

  • 50% of total payment for scratch sculpted projects is taken up front and the remaining 50% on project completion once you have received pictures of the completed work.

  • We are a reputable and reliable company and are dedicated to creating the models you want and helping you bring your creations to life.

  • Terrain pieces are available but please consider the cost of shipping large, heavy items when planning your projects.

  • Magnetising of models available for models with multiple pose options

  • Construction / assembly ONLY of models available on request.

  • On site Web store with some fantastic sculpts readily available.  These sculpts are metal and are supplied unassembled and unpainted.

  • When obtaining a quote for conversion / sculpting work plese bear in mind that Flame requires  as much description as possible, preferably illustrated or photographed. This creates less room for error between what the client wants and Flames own interpretation.

Majestic Bear

Majestic Bear

Currently awaiting stock in the Shadow and Flame webstore. Scratch sculpted.

Mordor Uruk

Mordor Uruk

Scratch sculpted piece




Willow Tree Giant

Willow Tree Giant

Scratch Sculpted and awaiting stock in Shadow and Flame web store.

Linden Tree Giant

Linden Tree Giant

Scratch Sculpted and awaiting stock in Shadow and Flame web store.

Birch Tree Giant

Birch Tree Giant

Scratch Sculpted and awaiting stock in Shadow and Flame web store.

Radagast the Brown Mounted

Radagast the Brown Mounted


Thranduil on Elk

Thranduil on Elk


Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

Scratch sculpted piece

Copyright Shadow and Flame 2014.  Shadow and Flame are proud Sponsors of the Great British Hobbit League Podcast. 

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