Wood elves

Hi all, I've been a little slow on the painting side of late and I'd like to offer an explanation as to why. For quite a while now my vision has been suffering and I have been struggling to see the finer details on the models. I figured I was just getting old and maybe needed glasses. I had my eyes checked and nothing seemed to be wrong, 20/20 vision. The optician gave me a prescription for some reading glasses with the hope that they would help with my painting. My glasses arrived and well errrr lets just say they didn't help in the slightest, in fact my vision was much worse with the glasses. So ... back to the drawing board. I was then given eye drops to lubricate my eyes and WOW!!!!!! my vision returned to normal and I could see the models perfectly again. My wife (much as I hate to admit it) sugggested removing the laptop off my desk as it may be contributing to my eye problems. I have done this and have had no problems with my eyes and no further eye drops required, (I really hate it when the wife is right!!!) Anyway there you have it. My eyes are all good , I am not getting old , I do not need glasses and I am back painting again at full speed. I apologise for the delay on bookings. I will work hard to keep up going forward. I am now back to painting the new Glorfindel and writing the painting guide for the patreon page.

These guys are very basic sculpts and I have done my best to bring them to life, what do you think ? did I succeed?
Music from Powerman 5000 "Nobodoes real"